Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hey Book Lovers!

Seen on Fusenews from School Library Journal:

After the impressive success of last year's Book Fair for Boys that saw over 600 books sent to the LA County Detention Center, GLW has teamed up with the Readergirlz, YALSA and If I Can Read, I Can Do Anything, (A national reading club for Native American children) for another book fair event to get books to students enrolled at Ojo Encino Day School and Alchesay High School." Wishlists for these schools are up at Powell's (excellent choice). Here are the further instructions, if you'd care to buy something for the kids:

First, hit the Powells site and on the upper right click on "wish list". From there you will be prompted for the email address of the list owner. Type in "". You will then be given the choice to select either Ojo Encino or Alchesay. Once you are looking at the lists (which contain hundreds of titles) you can make your selection of a new, used, or sale copy. After your done and ready to make your purchase you will be asked to confirm that you are buying books for a certain wishlist. Checking those boxes will keep the lists up to date and prevent books from appearing as unsold even after they were purchased. Now all you have to do is enter the mailing addresses, and here they are:

Mary Nickless
Ojo Encino Day School Librarian
HCR 79 Box 7
Cuba, NM 87013
(505) 731-2333

Marilyn Hill
Alchesay High School
200 Falcon Way
Whiteriver, AZ 85941

I donated a couple books to the last effort and as soon as I saw this, I hopped right over and bought one book for each school. Hope you can help out!

Even if you can't afford to donate right now, if you love books, reading, kids, reading to kids, kids' books, and you have a few hours to spare, I suggest you pore over this list of 100 Best Children's Novels from the same site. What a treat to find loving descriptions of books I'd forgotten about, and intriguing reviews of books I've never read. I can't wait to hit up the library!

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