Monday, November 20, 2006

Yep Yep, Monday

Okay, someone involved in How I Met Your Mother is from Washington. Not only was there a mention of Seattle today, but the phallic building was for Spokane. Who would know about Spokane outside of the PNW? It's on the little-known eastern side of the state.

ANTM was in Barcelona--I've been there! The park they filmed the commercial in is the one with the life-size (?) woolly mammoth.

So that was fun. And now back to the boring stuff. Ha!

I covered a very small class of 8th graders today, and I had them first make a pro/con chart, and then we set up a debate. It was fun! They totally got into it; I had to keep shushing them until it was their turn to rebut.

During after-school, we reviewed commas. When we finished reviewing a lengthy worksheet, I got all excited because I remembered that I have the kids' book version of Eats, Shoots & Leaves. (I got it for free with book order points!) So I said, "Gather 'round!" and they did. I read them each page spread: it has the same sentence, punctuated differently on each page, and with a picture to illustrate the difference. For example, I cracked up giggling like an 8th grader at the page: Eat here, and get gas, versus Eat here and get gas. Hee. The second one has a picture of somebody rocketing through the air, fueled by flatulence. Double hee!

The rest of the day was ho-hum. Gave a quiz, did drafts of essays, etc. Tomorrow handfuls of kids will be gone, but I'm going to continue with our persuasive stuff anyway. It's not terribly critical and I can't waste any of the NINE teaching days we have this month. ...And besides, I was planning to review parts of speech and play Mad Libs on Wednesday. Ahem. After the real learning is done, naturally. :)


X said...

Last night I dreamt about the kids' version of Eats, Shoots, and Leaves -- thanks to this post.

Jenna said...

Actually, Spokane (aka Spo-Vegas) has become quite hip lately... a lot of shows have been dropping it in.