Our favors were little wooden fans (pretty and useful in case of heat) and bubbles. The guests bubbled us as we 'proceeded' out of the ceremony area and then later back in. What fun! We want to be bubbled everywhere we go now. :)
Walking through the park in a wedding dress was a really fun experience--lots of people smiled, congratulated us, took pictures. Our photographer was fantastic. She posted a few photos on facebook the same day and they are gorgeous! I can't wait to see more! Most of my friends were armed with their cameras too and have kindly posted them to a group so we can see them all in one place.
The reception was very low-key and kind of quiet. We made a crossword puzzle about us to give people something to do. It didn't get handed out until we got there, which then made it feel like I had just given everyone a Do Now. :) People were excited to finish and some had questions, but got hints from us or others. It was kind of fun, and some of them learned things about the two of us. :)
The food was pretty good, and our cake was delicious. I hadn't eaten anything all morning just to be extra sure that the dress would zip, and so by the time we got to the restaurant at 2.30, I was starving! We did a brunch buffet and my choice was the belgian waffles, so I had a couple of those, a bit of fruit, and a delicious Bellini. Then I was stuffed and could only take a couple bites of cake. Later we wanted more but dutifully saved the top tier and wrapped it in clingfilm and foil when we got home.
Overall, it was a wonderful, lovely day. I was so thrilled and grateful to share it with family and friends, and everyone was so kind and warm. It was very, very surreal, and even now we keep saying to each other, "We got married? We had a wedding? We're married now?" It feels strange. Just the words, I guess, since we've lived together for two years already. Married friends--did you feel that way? How long til it feels 'normal' to be a wife and have a husband?