Sleep (til NOON on Weds!)--CHECK
Two trips to the gym--CHECK
Visited friend for knitting, sewing, snacks and Lifetime movies--CHECK
Bake a new recipe--CHECK
Get rid of old futon--CHECK
Bought new couch--CHECK
Saw a Broadway show
Organized yarn baskets
Gathered yarn and needles for charity
Cleaned shower curtain with full-strength white vinegar
Friday, December 30, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Making my list and checking it (more than) twice
Happy vacation, y'all!!
I am so very thrilled to have this week off.
Recently I read this amusing Atlantic article about introverts: and this part struck me:
"Rather, introverts are people who find other people tiring. Extroverts are energized by people, and wilt or fade when alone. They often seem bored by themselves, in both senses of the expression. Leave an extrovert alone for two minutes and he will reach for his cell phone. In contrast, after an hour or two of being socially "on," we introverts need to turn off and recharge."
I don't think I am a true introvert, as apparently a hallmark of extroverts is their never-ending chatter (which I can often be guilty of), but that quote above hit home. I've often labeled myself as an introvert with extrovertist tendencies, and I think I'm right on.
I don't work eight hour days, but I "work" six days a week. And that tires me, because I want to just sit and be at home. (Because I have those kinds of white girl problems. And also because I am childless, so I have the luxury of feeling "off" when I'm home.) I love watching tv, reading, knitting, just being. I really enjoy hanging out with friends, but even sitting at someone else's house and talking, watching tv, knitting, doesn't feel as relaxing as being at my own home, you know?
All this to say again, I am really excited to have this week off. We'd originally thought of going somewhere warm for the holidays, but everything was too expensive. And thank goodness! For weeks I have been eagerly anticipating this week of nothing!
I did end up covering a shift of babies yesterday, and I guess we don't get New Year's Day off from babies either, so technically I don't have the entire week off. Happily we do get next Monday off. But I had two days off in a row--for maybe the fourth time in six months--and now I get five days off in a row! Five days of as little as possible!!!
Therefore, here, in random order, is my to-do list for the week:
--Sleep in as much as possible
--Go to the gym at least twice (one trip already done!)
--Visit a friend tomorrow for tv, knitting, and some sewing help
--Review my 2011 goals
--Create goals for 2012 (this time with Mister Melancholy's complicit help, instead of me conscripting him into it this year)
--Visit at least one museum (we're planning for two in case we wimp out on one of them)
--Shop for a new couch (we've had the Mister's college futon, and it is old and uncomfortable, not to mention un-grown-up)
--Skype with some friends and family
--Take my bag of donations to Goodwill
--Do some cleaning around the apartment
--Choose and bake a new recipe
Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, I hope you are having a wonderful time!
I am so very thrilled to have this week off.
Recently I read this amusing Atlantic article about introverts: and this part struck me:
"Rather, introverts are people who find other people tiring. Extroverts are energized by people, and wilt or fade when alone. They often seem bored by themselves, in both senses of the expression. Leave an extrovert alone for two minutes and he will reach for his cell phone. In contrast, after an hour or two of being socially "on," we introverts need to turn off and recharge."
I don't think I am a true introvert, as apparently a hallmark of extroverts is their never-ending chatter (which I can often be guilty of), but that quote above hit home. I've often labeled myself as an introvert with extrovertist tendencies, and I think I'm right on.
I don't work eight hour days, but I "work" six days a week. And that tires me, because I want to just sit and be at home. (Because I have those kinds of white girl problems. And also because I am childless, so I have the luxury of feeling "off" when I'm home.) I love watching tv, reading, knitting, just being. I really enjoy hanging out with friends, but even sitting at someone else's house and talking, watching tv, knitting, doesn't feel as relaxing as being at my own home, you know?
All this to say again, I am really excited to have this week off. We'd originally thought of going somewhere warm for the holidays, but everything was too expensive. And thank goodness! For weeks I have been eagerly anticipating this week of nothing!
I did end up covering a shift of babies yesterday, and I guess we don't get New Year's Day off from babies either, so technically I don't have the entire week off. Happily we do get next Monday off. But I had two days off in a row--for maybe the fourth time in six months--and now I get five days off in a row! Five days of as little as possible!!!
Therefore, here, in random order, is my to-do list for the week:
--Sleep in as much as possible
--Go to the gym at least twice (one trip already done!)
--Visit a friend tomorrow for tv, knitting, and some sewing help
--Review my 2011 goals
--Create goals for 2012 (this time with Mister Melancholy's complicit help, instead of me conscripting him into it this year)
--Visit at least one museum (we're planning for two in case we wimp out on one of them)
--Shop for a new couch (we've had the Mister's college futon, and it is old and uncomfortable, not to mention un-grown-up)
--Skype with some friends and family
--Take my bag of donations to Goodwill
--Do some cleaning around the apartment
--Choose and bake a new recipe
Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, I hope you are having a wonderful time!
Monday, December 26, 2011
on holiday traditions
I love having traditions--things to look back on fondly, and anticipate joyfully. There are so many fun holiday traditions that each family has, and I love hearing about all of them.
Growing up with a split family, part of my tradition was drama and anxiety. But there were things that parts of my families did that happened often. Because of the split custody, my mom always had us for Christmas eve. We would do presents and everything on Christmas Eve morning, and then in the evening, there was a family gathering. When I was little, it was at my grandparents' house in Seattle, and then when I was older, it moved to an aunt's house. In the evening, we'd leave the party early and go to my dad's. We each chose one present to open that night, then had the big presents and stockings on Christmas morning. We would eat those big cinnamon rolls for breakfast and go to church. Christmas morning was one of the only times I liked going to church, because we got to sing Christmas songs! Later there would be a big dinner and we always had what we called "kids' champagne"--sparkling apple cider.
What else is neat is that I have two handmade Christmas stockings. My grandma on my dad's side knit every member of the family a stocking, as well as knit everyone a hat and mittens every year. My mom sewed these adorable stockings for all the members of our family, with contrasting colors for the letters of our names. She even scrounged up enough fabric to make one for Mister Melancholy last year! Both of my stockings are at their respective houses, though; it doesn't seem right to take them from home. Also, I wouldn't want to have to choose which one to use, and I figure that as an adult I should figure out a new stocking I make for myself somehow.
This is my eighth Christmas in New York City. I think I've gone home for one or two of them, but I've also traveled abroad for many of them. Mister Melancholy always went home for Christmas (and a couple years ago I went with him). Last year was our first staying here together for the holidays, and we did that again this year.
It's fun to start creating our own traditions. There aren't that many, since we're kind of new to it. But they're shaping up nicely.
1. For the third year in a row, we made a gingerbread house and watching a Christmas movie. For two years, it was from a kit and Love, Actually, respectively. This year, we procrastinated and couldn't find a kit, so we engineered our own out of graham crackers.
The spread:
We created load-bearing walls and an under-roof to make the house bigger and more stable.
The addition of a ridge made the roof easy.
We used three full batches of royal icing--almost a full batch just to glue the house together!
We added a small square shed in the corner of our "lot." And then proceeded to decorate as much as we could.
The movie this year ended up being Santa Claus: The Movie. We watched that a ton when I was a kid. It's on Netflix instant now! I cracked up at John Lithgow, who played the villain. He really must have had a great time being evil--he vamps it up, and it's hilarious.
2. This was our second year with a real tree, and we will never go back to a fake only! The real thing just smells too good. Here is our tree on Christmas morning:
3. We decided two days before to make a "Christmas Feast." Not in the way that we'd have a heaping table full of dishes, but in that we'd make real food ourselves, from scratch as much as possible. It was tasty as well as fun!
Mister Melancholy decided to make a Moroccan spiced chicken recipe.
I whipped up a chocolate mousse dessert (from a box, but still counts.)
Kids' champagne, but apple-peach. Crisp and refreshing!
Here is our full spread! (Potatoes in the glass dish)
The dessert mousse, in wine glasses, with celebratory bokeh dolphins!
We've never been great about making real meals from scratch, but this one was a success and we will surely make this a special tradition too!
What are your favorite or unique family traditions?
Friday, December 23, 2011
another goal--check!
This week I did something I have been meaning to do for some time: I used my AmeriCorps voucher to sign up for a class!
A few years ago I realized that I should probably learn Spanish (I have an unofficial minor in French). I never got around to it, it wasn't a priority, etc. However, my education award expires in June, which is a good motivator to use at least a little. So I registered for a short Spanish course at a CUNY school's continuing education program!
It's kind of a test to start with. Both to see if I like the class and can learn, and also if I can handle working with a twice-weekly evening class.
It's not a huge commitment, only a month or so, and it's not like I have high expectations. But it's exciting to have the prospect of working on a new skill, especially one that will be so useful in the real world.
If it goes well, there are more sessions in the semester that I'll take, as well as some kind of accounting short course for a possible photo business future.
This was on my list of goals for 2011, and one that I wasn't sure I'd follow through on. So I am proud of myself and excited for a new challenge!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
making a difference!
Wow, I loved your thoughtful comments!
I think it's good to re-assess every once in awhile, because I think that most of us mean well, but somehow we just don't always get around to doing what we know we can.
Teacher Gardener, I love that you get your students involved! I think it is so important to get kids involved early and often. They will surely remember your projects for years to come and become more worldly citizens!
Nancy, I know what you mean--finding time can be difficult! And I don't even have any kids. Right now I'm working six days a week...I'm not sure if I have much time either. But yes, if you find something fun, let me know! How about next week?
Rabi, it is that you give so much--that's incredible! Many of us (like me) don't often walk the walk, but you are. Way to go! Do you support one organization every year or have you been giving to the same charity for six whole years? Either way, that really does add up!
Also, the day after I posted that, I saw this book in the airport bookshop: Give a Little

The back blurb is a pretty much a direct answer to everything I said in that other post. :) I can't wait to read it!
I think it's good to re-assess every once in awhile, because I think that most of us mean well, but somehow we just don't always get around to doing what we know we can.
Teacher Gardener, I love that you get your students involved! I think it is so important to get kids involved early and often. They will surely remember your projects for years to come and become more worldly citizens!
Nancy, I know what you mean--finding time can be difficult! And I don't even have any kids. Right now I'm working six days a week...I'm not sure if I have much time either. But yes, if you find something fun, let me know! How about next week?
Rabi, it is that you give so much--that's incredible! Many of us (like me) don't often walk the walk, but you are. Way to go! Do you support one organization every year or have you been giving to the same charity for six whole years? Either way, that really does add up!
Also, the day after I posted that, I saw this book in the airport bookshop: Give a Little
The back blurb is a pretty much a direct answer to everything I said in that other post. :) I can't wait to read it!
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