Sunday, September 26, 2010

better now

I was in a funk the rest of the night, and had a headache to boot. So I told myself that it would be a good idea to get outside in the morning. A bike ride would be just the thing to get me out of my head for a bit.

While I didn't wake up early like I "planned", and I didn't head out right away as "planned", I did bike a nice loop of lower Manhattan, as well as two bridges, for a total of 13 miles. Whew!

In the afternoon we walked around a street fair, and I gobbled up a funnel cake. Because gosh darn it, I'm worth it. :) Also, because Husband bought it for me. :)

All this activity leaves me worn out and tired, and Carmen Crankypants is gone. :)

Here are a couple photos from the afternoon:

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