Monday, February 13, 2006

Great Ideas and Preparation!

I so love this idea that I have created my own reflection sheet. I'm not sure about a script; I think I'll just have the kids show the sheet to their parent. The kids and their parents can look at that and figure out any questions or problems, and we'll go from there.

I'm really excited about this as a learning tool for the students and for me. Cool!
Here's what I've got so far.

--Grade yourself according to the following statements
--1 (way below standard) to a 4 (above standard)
--write about why you gave yourself that grade.

Academics: Homework
--I do my homework every day.

--When doing homework, I make sure to follow the instructions and fully complete the assignment.

--I do my best on homework, all the time.

--I pay attention to and do my best on spelling, punctuation, grammar, and other mechanics.

Academics: Tests and Projects
--I study notes for tests.

--My test scores reflect my knowledge and work in ELA.

--I do my best on tests, all the time.

--I complete projects (pieces and final drafts) on time and completely.

--I make sure to follow all instructions on projects, and do my best, all the time.

Classwork and Participation:
--I come prepared for class every day (both notebooks, pens and pencils, and a ready-to-learn attitude).

--I focus on staying on task during class, all the time.

--I treat my peers and my teachers with respect, to make the class a healthy learning community.

--I often participate in class discussions or questionings. I make sure my voice is heard in small-group discussions or work.

In General:
--I feel like I do my best in ELA.

--I feel like I have learned a lot in ELA so far this year.

--Based on this reflection, what kind of grade do you think you earned for last quarter?

--What changes can you make to help yourself earn a better grade for this quarter?

--What things would you like to do during the rest of this year?

1 comment:

no_slappz said...

Followers of this site will do well to pick up the latest edition (Feb 20) of New York Magazine.

Read the "Save A School, The Hedge Fund Solution", article. All about P.S. 65 in Queens and how Joel Greenblatt shows you can take one of the worst performing schools in the city and turn it into a winner with only an extra $1,000 per student.

This school's students are mainly poor South American and South Asian immigrants. The school is housed in a former airplane parts factory. It is run by Beth Longo and formerly run by Iris Nelson.

Greenblatt is a wealthy Wall Streeter who runs a hedge fund -- Gotham Capital.

His second foray into running schools has taken him to Harlem Success Academy, a charter school in Harlem. Iris Nelson has been hired as a consultant and the executive director of the school is Eva Moskowitz.