The shops in the Amsterdam airport seemed to focus on the traditional Holland things like clogs and tulips, rather than Amsterdam attractions. There are two mannequins dressed in what I presume is historically-traditional clothing?
From the Prague airport, I took Bus 100 to the end of the line, where it met with the yellow Metro Line B. Eight stops later (at a station that I could recognize but not pronounce), I left the train and got Bus 253. At first I couldn't find it; the stop was down the block from the station. But I did find it soon enough and four stops later, I disembarked. You have to walk under an overpass and then down the dirt road to the river.

I stayed in Room 7, which had five beds. I was the only one there until Thursday. Look how pleasant and cozy!

This is my mantra, conveniently displayed in a shop window in the Old Town.
This is most definitely NOT my mantra!
Lots of cafes and shops advertised hot beverages. In English, even.
This one actually made me stop in my tracks.
It really looks like "Hot urine." I stood and peered at the window for a good minute until I realized it actually just said "Hot wine." Thank god!
Living in New York with the obsession with the hipster lifestyle, I found this sign amusing. Hey, people who like "alternative things", this is an area just for you!
A good Czech beer.

I have no idea what this is. Possibly a fountain? A mythological touchstone? No clue. But it looks cool and a little creepy.

Even Prague's sewer covers are artistic!

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