Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Birthday, Me!

I am completely and utterly shameless: Celebrate me! It's my special day!

And truly, I have had a special day. I wore a cute, non-schoolish dress, and my hair half-down. I got a lot of compliments on both (especially on my hair from my girl students). Lots of people wished me a happy birthday, and my students brought lots of treats for our class parties. AND a few of them brought cards and/or gifts. Plus my friend S got me a cake and NI and another teacher gave me presents. I feel so loved. Yay!

The weather has even been gorgeous the last two days. The fall chill has been absent and the sky is spotlessly blue.

Tomorrow I have to be extra-strict so as to keep my kids in line for the rest of the year. Although, ooh, I was so excited today; one of the science teachers told me that one of my kids told him I was crazy. And I agree with the teacher that that's the best compliment a teacher gets. Because that means they're either scared of me, or wary of me, and either way respect me. Sweet! Me Crazy!


NYC Educator said...

Happy birthday! I remember you said you weren't from around here, so you may not be familiar with the quirky NYC custom of having each student bring $350 in unmarked bills for the occasion.

What? They didn't give it to you? These kids can just smell an out-of-towner.

yomister said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Very happy to hear that you had a fun day at school.

ms. v. said...

Happy Birthday, sorry I'm a day late! Glad you had a good one... it looks like I WILL see you this weekend, btw.