Thursday, February 17, 2005

Random snippets that I keep forgetting about

It's already my bedtime, but I wanted to get this stuff down before I forgot again.

I have a Word Wall behind my door. I've got cards with words up there, but I've never discussed the Word Wall in class. The words are from class, but I put them up there with no reminders or explanations.

On the pillar next to this Word Wall, I put up cards with parts of speech. The other day, a group of girls were ambling out of my emptying room, they stopped at the piller. One of them said, as if to 'insult' one of the others, "You're an adjective."
She said primly, "I'm a noun--a person."
The other girl said, "You're a proper noun."
It was weird and completely out of the blue, but it was awesome nonetheless. Osmosis in the classroom works! If you've got it up somewhere, the kids may (or, more likely may not) notice it and someday it might sink in. Talking about parts of speech! On their own!

Little C walked up to me one morning as his class was lining up outside my door. "Ms C, why is your hair always the same?"
I replied, a bit defensively but in that joking way he probably knows by now (what he may not know is that's the only way I can keep a straight face when they come up with these strange comments), "What an odd question to ask! Why is your hair always the same?"
He grinned and said, "It's not; I just got a haircut!" running his hand over his short hair. Then he turned away and that was that. Very odd.

I told this girl to read The Egypt Game since she likes mysteries. I also told her that The Westing Game is fantastic. So she read Egpyt and loved it, but has been chomping at the bit about Westing. Today at lunch, she announced that she had finished it (Egypt) and can she read the Westing Game now? I said, tell you what. Write me a letter promising me that you will let no harm come to the book, and maybe I'll let you take it home with you over break. She said, "Okay!"

At the end of sixth period, she came up to me, "Ms C! Look!" And showed me a letter that read something like, "Dear Ms C., I promise that if you let me read The Westing Game, I will take care of it. Love, T." So cute!

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