Monday, August 20, 2007

Day 142: Blue

Blue wall, blue eye, blue mood.

This coming year will suck. My administration will be completely different but I don't know any details. My only three school friends are gone, two out of state. The classes I will teach will be like my first year: two middle and one inclusion (meaning nearly half will be special ed). Though I think last year began okay, it ended badly and left me very unhappy (although thrilled and utterly relieved to get to the summer).

I hate feeling so negative; I wish I could change my mood. But look at all those ominous events!

Friday night I finally cried, from the stress of thinking and worrying and dreading September 4.


Anonymous said...

I can only speak from an "elementary" point of view, but each year is different. For me it's been good every other year.

New admins??? Did they retire? If they got a bonus (ELA), most likely they did. Yet, it's teachers like you who got them that bonus.

X said...

I too have a nearly all-new administration -- the new principal was an AP, and all three APs are new [we're a relatively large middle school, hence the 3 APs]. Based on what I've seen so far, I'm afraid.

Inclusion is the same thing as CTT, right? The class is [theoretically] smaller and you team teach with a special ed teacher? I'm really looking forward to my CTT class because the kids are super awesome. I've never team-taught before, so I'm nervous about learning how to share responsibility and so on, but at least I know the co-teacher.

And my last real school friend moved, although the wife keeps telling me I'll make new ones.

So we're sharing a lot of similar challenges this year! Hope we'll be able to help each other.