Thursday, November 29, 2007

Likes and Dislikes

Reconfigure of the original six-year-old "About" page on the old geocities site.

LIKES: My iPod. Itty bitty baby kitties. Painting some building and getting covered with the paint. Loppers. The words "beep," "mouse," "bubble," "poop," "crux," "gelatinous," and "whilst" and "turtle." The smell of new books. Reading. Libraries and bookstores. Candy. Chocolate shops. Good music. The television shows "The Amazing Race," "Bones," "Chuck," "The Office." The movies "The Princess Bride," "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," "The Boondock Saints." Sports movies, especially dancing and baseball movies. Dancing. Ultimate frisbee. Softball. Pickles. Europe travel. Business class on British Airways. A well-packed suitcase. Funny people. Frosting. Chocolate. Gelato! Midori sours. Christmas music. The glow from multi-colored Christmas lights. My scrapbooks and photo albums. Spice-flavored car trees. Cats. Greek mythology. Swear words. Imitating accents (ask me to spell "Alabama" sometime). Frozen pizza cheese. Pepper jack cheese. Pepper jack nachos. Movie quotes. Email. Cucumber ranch salad dressing. Croutons. French fries (especially fajita nacho fries!). Root beer floats. Sneezing. Sleep. Laughing. Cute boys. My stuffed animals. School/office supplies. Pens. Staying up late. My diplomas. Wearing fake tiaras. Wiggling toes in grass or big shag rugs. Boggle. Taboo. Big hugs.

DISLIKES: Scraping paint. Spiders. Ticks. The show "Seinfeld." People who are too serious and/or who have no sense of humor. Shallow people and stuck-up people. Stupid people. Stupid people! Stupid music. Techno music. Purposelessly repetitve and/or annoying music. Reality television shows like "Survivor." Commercials! Sexism. Excessive materialism. Cigarettes and cigarette smoke. Jumpy, yappy and/or slobbery dogs. Extreme Republicans and other right-wing conservatives. Shitty birthdays (and I've had enough to know!). Mean people. Senseless traffic. People who can't drive/slow me down/try to show me up by speeding recklessly. Lazy students. Pens that don't work all the time. Waking up early.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you ever watched Amazing Race?
It's a traveler's dream.