Today was good, for a not-that-great day. I don't know, I guess I had a better shell today.
Oh, first, let me remind myself that yesterday after school, Ms F, Ms C and I booked our trip to Las Vegas for spring break! We got cheap fares on my old friend Jetblue, and found a cheap rate for the MGM through them, too. I can't believe I will be going on a trip, and have it planned more than three months in advance!
Last night I stayed up again until 11, so I could watch Medium and finish my book, and I felt like ass getting up this morning. I need 10 hours of sleep a night. GOD, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE LONG WEEKEND!
So today was another unstructured, boring lesson courtesy of America's Choice. I gave them some new charts to fill in that will help them synthesize their knowledge and research. I knew that it would be chaos, but it needed to get done. In each class, I spoke quickly about how to fill in the chart, and then let them go. I went around to each group to make sure they were getting started. There was much noise, yelling, and nonwork going on all around me.
Okay...let's see. Class B started off today. They did alright today, I suppose. Definitely better than yesterday. But not good or anything.
At lunch, a little group of kids from each of my classes came to my room. We played some Apples to Apples, and some of them ran around noisily. To be fair, several of them also made sure to help tidy the room before the "fun" started. That's cool.
Class A was after lunch. They were noisy and stuff. Somehow, there were a couple moments of silence. I think it was just that seven-minute lull...or else the AP peeked in the window or something.
Class C did well. For reading workshop, I did the "I see" poem as a visualization exercise, and they did very well. They were pretty noisy for the work period, but that's not really a shock or anything.
Let's see. Tomorrow they will read a sample proposal and discuss its merits, or something like that. I haven't really planned it yet. (Don't worry, I know that my lack of energized lesson-planning is contributing to my lack of classroom control. Yeah, yeah. I'm tired, dude, so let's move on.)
So now I'm home, have done no work or anything, but...yeah, don't care. I do want to actually "plan" for tomorrow before I go to bed, which means before Gilmore Girls and The Amazing Race, assuming I don't crash in the next two hours.
Going now. Bye.
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